

Text-Based Mental Health Therapy Created by Depressed Entrepreneur

In 2011, when Sam Duboc, the founder of Air Miles and Pathways to Education in Canada found himself battling depression after losing a close family member in October and experiencing various life challenges, he realised the importance of easy access to adequate mental health care at affordable rates immediately. The successful entrepreneur has theoretical knowledge

Text-Based Mental Health Therapy Created by Depressed Entrepreneur Read More »

preparing families to cope with separation

Preparing Families to Cope With Separation with Dr.Ellie Bolgar

According to the current statistics on common-law relationships, the rate of breakups and divorce in Canada is approximately 50% higher than the last couple of years. This has led to an imminent need for attention on the impact it creates on families, especially the children because researches and statistics show that the adverse effect of

Preparing Families to Cope With Separation with Dr.Ellie Bolgar Read More »

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